Sunday, January 19, 2014

Self-Publishing_ A Googler's Journey

Building Brains to Understand the World's Data

360 Video

Social MOOCs HComp = SMOOCH --- Computing Comes to Education

The Google Cloud

The Distributed Camera_ Modeling the World from Online Photos

The New Literacy_ Innovating for People

How Can Cognitive Science Improve Online Learning?

Raspberry Pi Foundation

GTAC 2013_ Automated Video Quality Measurements

Linear Book Scanner

The Patent Pollution Problem_ Its Causes, Effects and Solutions

Human Genetics and Genomics_ The Science for the 21st Century

Brains, Sex, and Machine Learning

The Genome Question_ Moore vs. Jevons with Bud Mishra

The Economics of Interaction_ How We Can Use Microeconomics to Describe System Interaction

The Remote Agent Experiment_ Debugging Code from 60 Million Miles Away

NIPS 2011 Big Learning - Algorithms, Systems, & Tools Workshop_ Machine Learning

Alan M. Turing Centennial Conference_ Turing's Estimation Technique and Large-scale Machine Learning

SPDY Essentials

Beyond Princess Leia in a Beam of Light_ A Glimpse into the Future of Augmented Reality

NIPS 2011 Music and Machine Learning Workshop_ Learning from Musical Structure

Learning from Bacteria about Social Networks

NIPS 2011 Big Learning - Algorithms, Systems, & Tools Workshop_ Hazy - Making Data-driven

Human Perception Viewed as a Phenotypic Expression

NIPS 2011 Big Learning Workshop - Algorithms, Systems, & Tools for Learning at Scale_ NeuFlow

Will Extreme Poverty Ever End?

Genetics and Intelligence

A Geek's Guide to Digital Forensics

2011 Frontiers of Engineering_ Accelerating Green Building Market Transformation with IT

GTAC 2011_ Angular

The Expedition For the Future

The Future of Interactive Graphics in R - A Joint Visualization and UseR Meetup

To Harness The Long Tail Online, Location Does Matter As Does Time

Intelligentsia @ Google SMO_ Direct Trade Coffee and Espresso Methodology

Past, Present, Future Vision of AI - Google and AAAI 2011

Historypin_ Google Maps and the 4th Dimension

DOs and DON'Ts of Mobile Strateg

Bay Area Vision Meeting_ Visual Recognition via Feature Learning

Bay Area Vision Meeting_ Learning Representations for Real-world Recognition

How Edmunds Decreased Page Load Time by 80% in 3 Simple Steps

Live Cultured Fermentation

The Ansel Adams Zone System_ HDR Capture and Range Compression by Chemical Processing

Measuring Noise and the Influence of Noise Reduction on Resolution

How to Implement a Greywater System for Your Garden

Strategies in the Search for ET.output

HDR and Color Constancy--New Psychophysical Results

Is IT ready for the Dreaded DNA Data Deluge?

People Recognition - A Leapfrog in Organizing Videos

GTAC 2008_ The New Genomics - Software Development at Petabyte Scale

Large image databases and small codes for object recognition

Current Issues in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics

Stationary Features and Cat Detection

IM2GPS_ estimating geographic information from a single image

When Will We Discover the Extraterrestrials?

Sublime & Subliminal_ Semantics for Online Advertising

The Past Present and Future of Digital Memories

If You Had Everything Computationally Where Would You Put it, Financially?

The LabelMe dataset and its applications to scene and object recognition

Networked Remote Collaboration for Digital Film Restoration_ Michal Krsek, CESNET

Preserving Grain, Presenting Pixels_ Film Preservation and Restoration in the Digital Age Part 2

Preserving Grain, Presenting Pixels_ Film Preservation and Restoration in the Digital Age Part 1